Showing 5 Result(s)

Elephant Illustrations

Here are three illustrations of elephants I did. A client wanted something elegant with elephants. So after conversation with her I found out what she likes and decorated elephants with it: floral elements, mandala and dreamcatcher.

WEB design for Gimdos kaklelis

I created Gimdos kaklelis WEB on WIX platform for doctors’ association where they wanted to share information about women’s health, cervix, cervix cancer, HPV viruses, etc. I wanted it to look simple, calm, nurturing but also assuring, because the topic is very sensitive. So there are the colors I chose for the website: How the …

WEB design for Childhood Poetry

Childhood Poetry is a beautiful brand which creates products for kids and I’m very happy and proud to be a part of it.  I created a WEB and e-shop on Zyro platform. We wanted something simple, minimalistic and cozy. 3 main colors was chosen for this WEB: grey, blue and yellow. The e-shop simple and clean: